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【学术报告】张梦茹博士生:“Not directly involved but punished”

文章来源:学院办公室 作者:周钰涵 审核:刘亚军 发布时间:2022年12月29日 点击数: 字号:【


报告题目:Not directly involved but punished: Considering the role of corporate social responsibility in the spillover effect of suppliers’ socially and environmentally irresponsible events on the customer’s market value

主 持 人:原东良 青年研究员

报 告 人:张梦茹   博士生


报告地点:腾讯会议 (会议ID:214-759-532)


Suppliers’ social and environmental irresponsible events, despite not occurring within the customer’s premises, seriously damaged the customer’s market value (i.e., spillover effect). Thus, initiatives to mitigate the spillover effect are becoming increasingly essential for the customer’s supply chain risk management. CSR has been regarded as an essential factor to influence the customer’s damages from their own social and environmental irresponsible events. However, whether CSR plays a role in the spillover context is still unclear. In this study, we investigate the effect of a customer’s CSR on its market value during its suppliers’ social and environmental irresponsible events. 



张梦茹,女,中国科学技术大学博士生,主要从事数字赋能的敏捷运营、负责任的供应链等,多项研究成果发表在Industrial Marketing Management、International Journal of Operations & Production Management、Industrial Management & Data Systems等期刊,参与科技部重点研发计划、科技创新2030等项目。


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