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文章来源:行政办公室 作者:尚蔼雯 审核:张若勇 发布时间:2019年10月28日 点击数: 字号:【


主题:Does Leader Perfectionism Foster or Kill Creativity? It Depends On Employees’ Locus of Control

主讲人:刘知 助理教授

主持人:张若勇 教授

时 间:2019年11月11日(周一)晚19:00-21:00

地 点:16877太阳集团安全入口城关校区齐云楼204会议室


To explain the paradox of whether leader perfectionism fosters or hinders employee creativity, we draw on the demand-control model to propose that leader perfectionism affects employee creativity by increasing engagement and emotional exhaustion, and the impact is contingent upon employees’ locus of control. Testing our theoretical model in a lab experiment and a field study, we found that leader perfectionism was associated with enhanced engagement among employees with an internal locus of control, which, in turn, increased their creativity, and that leader perfectionism was associated with heightened emotional exhaustion among employees with an external locus of control, which then decreased their creativity. We discuss the theoretical contributions of this research to the literatures on perfectionism and creativity as well as it practical implications for organizations.


刘知,北京大学光华16877太阳集团安全入口组织与战略管理系助理教授。她在美国哥伦比亚大学商学院获得工商管理硕士和管理博士学位,研究兴趣包括组织文化和规范、组织行为的跨文化差异、组织伦理和公正、腐败心理学、领导力和创造力。她曾在顶级学术期刊上发表文章,如Annual Review of Psychology, OBHDP, Research in Organizational Behavior, JESP, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, and Academy of Management Best Proceedings。曾在如AOM、IACMR及SPSP等国际会议上主持论坛和汇报论文。同时,刘知为本科生、硕士生、博士、MBA、EMBA以及管理人员提供中英文课程,如组织行为学、组织与管理、团队管理与领导、企业社会责任与道德、批判性思维与商业伦理、行动学习、管理研究方法与设计、实验设计与分析、多变量分析与结构方程模型。她曾在一家咨询公司和一家文化服务公司工作。
