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关于印度苏里尼大学Atul Khosla副校长开展学术讲座的通知
应16877太阳集团安全入口邀请,印度苏里尼大学副校长Atul Khosla教授将于近期到访我院并开展学术交流活动,特开设以下讲座,欢迎广大师生届时参加!
讲座题目:How is Innovation disrupting the business world?(破坏性创新如何改变商业世界?)
时 间:2016年9月21日 (周三) 14:30-16:00
地 点:观云楼612
演 讲 人:Atul Khosla
Innovations led by technology, and networks are changing the way businesses work and are being deemed successful. Disruption has become a norm in the new “business world”.
Business and Product life cycles are rapidly shrinkingAccess to capital is not a key differentiator for successful businesses any moreBusinesses are becoming increasingly globalTalent is becoming one of the most important assets of successful corporations, and“The winner takes all” is increasingly becoming the norm.Given this context, Prof Khosla will discuss different strategies that successful businesses have been following to drive innovation. We will also debate how technology, globalization and networks will transform “real world” and brick and mortar businesses and how incumbents can compete with newly formed start-ups.
Prof. Khosla will also introduce the concept of “jugaad” – the Indian way of Innovation and how it is failing Indian industry.
Atul Khosla,现任印度苏里尼大学副校长,兼任Gabriel(印度)独立董事及多家公司的咨询顾问。于2005年至2008年间将奥纬咨询公司(Oliver Wyman)业务引入印度,2003年至2005年创建并领导珠峰集团(Everest Group)在印度及亚洲地区的业务,曾在麦肯锡(McKinsey)和韬睿惠悦(Towers Watson)公司担任高级顾问职务的经历。其职业及研究领域为管理咨询、金融服务、变革管理、项目管理、外包、市场营销等。